Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Chapter 9 Speaking Up

Sometimes we do stupid things because we hurt infact,  most addicts or (at least me) tend to do self destructive crap because, of an unresolved issue either subconsciously or consciously. I feel better when I talk about it, there is a power that is gone when I speak. Make's me feel light when I begin to talk little by little about my life (the Details).The chains of my past begin to loosen on me.  (not that my life in retrospect was that bad ) lucky I wasn't born in Africa or a 3rd world. The bible says life and death come from the tongue I think today I chose life.

1 comment:

  1. By talking and working through the hurt (our past) we're able to become one with God because there is nothing in between us. It does help to talk, and you know I'm here when you need to do just that... :)
